Carbon offsetting by planting trees?

Are you a business in Sussex? Are you concerned about your carbon footprint and maybe thinking about ways of achieving net zero by reducing emissions and offsetting those that you can’t? Or maybe you haven’t considered this yet?
Or maybe you work for a business or are a customer that has strong views about how businesses should be facing the net zero challenge!
Planting trees one way that nature can help us offset our carbon emissions and is happening everywhere. Action in rural Sussex supports this activity in numerous ways: through our support of the Queen’s Green Canopy and community groups who are wanting to help both their local environment, well-being, and the climate.
Businesses and organisations can get involved in this activity by buying carbon offsetting units to account for the emissions they produce, thus demonstrating their commitment to the net zero target. Increasingly, customers are taking these commitments seriously when making decisions about where to shop.
Action in rural Sussex (AirS) is interested in getting the views of business owners, employees and customers about achieving net zero in various ways including nature-based carbon offsetting. This will enable us to support businesses in the transition to Net-Zero, as well as enabling local tree planting schemes to have a bigger impact within the communities they are happening in.
We have created a short survey to get a broad picture of opinions on this topic and this can be completed online via this link