Community tree planting at Laughton Greenwood
Laughton Greenwood held a celebratory open day over the Jubilee weekend and planted two local oak trees dedicated to the Queen’s Green Canopy, and both grown from acorns by supporters of the wood. To add a sense of ceremony the event was attended by Deputy Lieutenant Deborah Bedford and Cllr Wendy Maples from East Sussex County Council, both of whom gave short speeches.
As Deborah Bedford pointed out, the trees were grown from acorns showing that, with a bit of love and care, anyone can grow a tree. In 500 years, these trees will be mature English oaks, and our grandchildren’s children will be able to enjoy them.
Laughton Greenwood is an ancient semi-natural woodland in East Sussex run by volunteers. We hope that tree planting occasions such as this will inspire everyone to plant a tree for the Jubilee this autumn.
To learn more about the Queen’s Green Canopy tree planting initiative and how you can take part please see our QGC page. The project encourages everyone to plant a jubilee tree and upload a photo to the national map where everyone’s trees are recorded.