Tree planting for the Queen’s Green Canopy
The Queen’s Green Canopy (QGC) initiative which asked us all to plant trees to commemorate Her Majesty’s reign closes on 31 March 2023. If you’ve planted one tree, or lots, don’t forget to add them to the digital map of trees planted in the Queen’s name before the end of March. Any trees, including within hedges, planted since 1 October 2021 can be included.

QGC planting of an apple tree at Plumpton Racecourse in March 2023. L to R: The Marquess of Abergavenny, Leanora and Adrian Pratt from the Racecourse, the Lord-Lieutenant Andrew Blackman, and the High Sheriff of East Sussex Jane King.
What the QGC has achieved in East Sussex
The Queen’s Green Canopy was set up to celebrate Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee and over the last 18 months it has brought communities together to plant trees. It was a project close to the heart of the late Queen, combining community participation with an activity that also benefits nature and the environment.
The final figures aren’t quite in but people across the county have planted over 80,000 trees at nearly 250 locations. Landowners of all sizes have got involved. Large plantings on various estates have boosted the numbers considerably, but smaller plantings across the county have been vital. Individual gardeners, community groups, school children, local councils, businesses and farmers have all planted trees to reach such a magnificent total for the county. The enjoyment people have had while planting trees has also been fantastic to witness.
East Sussex also proudly hosts one of the UK’s 70 Ancient Woodlands and 70 Ancient Trees selected for dedication to the QGC. The ‘100 Acre Wood’ that inspired the Winnie-the-Pooh author was chosen as part of the ‘ancient canopy’ celebrating The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Alongside that, the remaining Preston Park Twin Elm in Brighton & Hove is part of the nationwide network of 70 Ancient Trees dedicated to The Queen.
The East Sussex Lieutenancy QGC Committee was chaired by The Marquess of Abergavenny DL who said ‘On a personal note, I would like to say how grateful I am to all the people who planted trees. All the communities and the landowners have come forward to make this a very special event.
I would also like to thank the Lord-Lieutenant and the committee for their help and support and their commitment to this project. In addition, thank you to Action in rural Sussex and project officer Mark Whitaker for helping us take this project forward.’
So, a massive thank you to everyone who planted a tree for the QGC. Keep looking after your new trees and we look forward to watching the Queen’s living legacy grow and thrive!
For more information see Queen’s Green Canopy | Action in rural Sussex