Become a member of AirS
Action in rural Sussex currently offers membership to individuals or organisations.
We advocate on member’s behalf with government, statutory partners and service providers, and also offer direct support and services to individuals, families and organisations such as parish councils, village halls and community groups.
Members are provided with the opportunity to attend our Annual General Meeting to hear about our activity and vote on the make-up of our Board of Trustees. Similarly, they provide feedback on our work, contribute to the intelligence we receive on rural issues and have the opportunity to become members of our Board.
How to Apply
Becoming a member is easy and free, simply complete the membership application form: Membership Application Form
Contact Us
If you have any questions regarding membership, then please contact us via
If you do not wish to become a member but wish to contribute directly to our work in assisting rural communities then we welcome all donations. The contributions received through donations enable us to continue to undertake vital work supporting rural communities across Sussex.
Cheques should be made out to ‘Action in rural Sussex’ and returned to our office in Lewes:
BACS Transfers and Standing Orders
Alternatively, you can pay directly to our CAF bank account:
Sort code: 40-52-40
Account Number: 00019693
Please email details of any payment made electronically directly to