Community Profiles

Having robust and detailed evidence about your community is crucial in order to determine its current status, strengths and weaknesses and potential future needs. In response to this need Action in rural Sussex has worked with its national body (ACRE) and local data consultants (OCSI) to produce parish profiles for communities in East Sussex and West Sussex*. This forms part of the Evidencing Rural Need Project.

What are Community Profiles?

The Community Profiles represent a unique tool in that they pull together Parish level data into one comprehensive package that is easily digestable. In addition, they provide datasets which would not normally be available at this geographical scale. This is achieved by modelling mainstream data down to the parish level, allowing figures such as those on benefit claimants and transport to be presented.

How can they be used?

These documents may be used in a variety of ways:

◾Background evidence for the development of Community-Led and Neighbourhood Plans (we incorporate these within our CLP/NP packages).

◾Business planning and service delivery for Town and Parish Councils and other bodies.

◾Supporting funding bids and applications for community projects, village halls and other services.

◾Developing rural and community delivery programmes.

What do they contain?

These profiles bring together into one neat package mainstream and up-to-date information from the Census, Office for National Statistics, Local Authorities and Government Departments on the following themes:
◾Social & Cultural Issues;
◾Access to Services;
◾Housing and the Built Environment;
◾Transport and Connectivity;

The reports are produced at regular intervals with the data being taken from the most recent releases. This includes the 2011 Census. Each report contains easy to read information, presented in graphs and tables, combined with a clear and concise narrative. Sign-posting to other datasets and sources of information on similar themes is also provided within the document. To view an example report, please click here.

How to order

The cost of purchasing a parish profile is currently £100 for a hard copy and £120 for an electronic version (as these are subject to VAT). To order a Community Profile for your parish please download a Community-Profile-Order-Form and follow the instructions located on it. Please take note of the terms and conditions before so doing.

Contact Us

For more information, please contact us on 01273 473422

*Please note – Profiles for a small number of parishes may not be available due to issues regarding the availability of the data.

“Supporting rural communities in Sussex to be vibrant and diverse places in which to live and work.”